Chapter 3: Only the Brave

Only the brave can endure suspense~ Mignon McLaughlin  The Neurotic’s Notebook

My good mood lasted all the way through my dreams, which were largely an impressionist swirl of light and colour with an underlying current of happiness. It was pure contentment.

Even the one dream that differed still managed to leave me feeling utterly at ease.

I had only closed my eyes for an instant, revelling in the feeling of bliss that surrounded me. When I opened them, I wasn’t in my watercolour world anymore, but sitting in a moonlit field of delicate blush coloured flowers overlooking a crystalline lake. The sweet fragrance of the flowers seemed amplified by the dark, marking their presence as if to reassure that all was well in the night as well as the day.  I was highly aware of the masculine form lying propped on his elbow next to me. I turned from examining the peaceful surroundings to study my companion. His sapphire eyes, likely the colour of the lake in daylight, laughed as if I had just missed the joke, something not uncommon in the waking world. I was well aware that I was dreaming, but what was odd was the bliss hadn’t faded.  Ordinarily I would get frustrated with those dreams, unable to resist the passion his blood forced on me, but this was more like the dream after Godric’s passing, where tender comfort had led to a burning need to connect, to be part of him.  He stroked a finger down my arm, gentle as a whisper.

“What are you thinking about so deeply?” His voice wasn’t the commanding tone of the Sheriff, nor was it the playful suggestiveness of the arrogant male. It was something purely Eric, something I had only begun to hear strains of the night before as we talked in his office, yet it was even more. It was friend, lover, and companion rolled into one. For a brief second I could have sworn I felt a contentment that mirrored mine, yet was most definitely foreign in origin.

Even though I was aware I was dreaming, I still had no control over what I replied. “How peaceful it is here. I’m so glad you wanted to bring me to a place with such meaning for you.” I bent down to brush a kiss across his lips. “I feel so connected to you here.”

He smiled my new favourite smile and I felt another pulse of emotion not my own, this one shy adoration. Surely that wasn’t Eric? “Wasn’t that the point?” he asked, sitting up and pulling me so that my back rested against his chest. Surrounded by Eric, physically and emotionally, as contact seemed to sharpen my recognition of his feelings, I felt a bone-deep sense of serenity slide into and entangle with the remaining bliss, creating something not like anything I’d ever before encountered.

Unlike any blood dream before, there were no further words and no torrid descent into carnality.  We simply sat together in that tranquil meadow. Occasionally, Eric would take my hand in his and stroke his thumb gently over my knuckles. Other times he would wrap both arms around me and I would sink back into his solid chest with a happy sigh. The dream slowly faded back into the eddy of colours, but I remained aware of the idyll.

I woke up feeling both refreshed and energized. I didn’t quite know what to do with myself, since I was still off work on Sam’s mandated leave and the house was fixed up right and proper.  I decided that I would embrace the day, as it might be my last as a free person.  Eric’s precautions aside, there was no guarantee about the outcome of the evening’s events and I wasn’t going to squander the beautiful day set before me by fretting and wringing my hands.  I fixed a nice big breakfast of eggs, sausage and grits, supplemented by a big cup of coffee. I took my time with Gran’s old cast-iron skillet, enjoying the simple act of making comfort food.  Having a sudden thought, I texted Jason to offer dinner to him as well, figuring if I was going to cook for two, I may as well make it three. He replied instantly with a “Hells yeah. Peach cobbler?” I just shook my head. I really didn’t know what to do with him.

After washing up, I decided to both further my new goals and stick it to Bill by continuing to dive into my Viking book. Of course, the fact that I was working on my tan was simply a bonus. Who wants to face their doom looking as pasty as the underbelly of a fish?

Time flew by. I was completely absorbed in my book and began eagerly anticipating my next chat with Eric. I was fully aware that I was maintaining my ostrich impression by refusing to think about all the major issues that had cropped up over the past few days.  I was especially avoiding Bill’s behaviour yesterday. It was likely just a remnant of his jealousy over Eric’s trick with his blood, anyway. Surely it would settle in time.

I took a leisurely shower and threw on a sundress before getting around to making dinner. I went for good old-fashioned low country cooking, with Jason’s requested peach cobbler.  I fortunately had the ingredients to hand and carefully followed Gran’s prize-winning recipe, not missing a single step.  The cobbler had just come out of the oven when I heard Jason and Sam’s thoughts approaching.

Greeting them at the door, both of my men took appreciative whiffs.  In getting settled in front of the food, both of them professed again that they’d do whatever it took to keep me safe. They’d even apparently decided to ride together in case there was a need for a quick escape.  While I appreciated that they were taking the situation seriously, I put my foot down about talking business at the table.  If I wasn’t going to think about it on my own, I sure wasn’t going to spoil my time with company discussing it.

Dinner overall was a success and reminiscent of the innocent days before vampires. The only difference was that Gran would have been the one cooking and making sure the guests were comfortable. I missed her so much all the time, but it really struck me in those little, everyday things.  Jason, his perception tuned outward for once, apparently picked up on my momentary sadness as he patted my shoulder before going back for seconds.

Knowing that sunset was around 8 and that we still had to wait for Bill and Jessica to rise, I suggested we take dessert and coffee out to the porch and enjoy the calm evening.  I was so pleased that my impromptu dinner party had turned out to be a success.  Once redirected, Sam and Jason were so entertaining and kept feeding off each other to make me laugh, which certainly kept my mind off the upcoming events.  Quickly doing the dishes, our little group crossed through the cemetery and over to the Compton place.

Bill and Jess appeared shortly after the last rays of the sun disappeared.  I was glad to see whatever bad mood had bitten my boyfriend yesterday was apparently a thing of the past as I was greeted by a sweet kiss.  I caught Jason making a face at our little PDA, which didn’t surprise me, but the faint disapproval on Sam’s face did.  I didn’t have a moment to think on it, however, as there was still an hour’s drive and we needed to get to Fangtasia on time.  My vampires and I parted ways with my brother and boss, piling in Bill’s car and heading off toward Shreveport. The drive was quiet, punctuated by an occasional chatty comment from Jessica. Bill held my hand the whole way, reaffirming our connection and making like the previous day had never happened.  It was such a contrast, but I was only thankful for the return to normal. I would not think on why there was a difference in the first place. I even ignored the little voice, sounding suspiciously like Gran, that whispered, Denial, thy name is Sookie.

All too soon for my nerves, we pulled into the Fangtasia parking lot, Jason and Sam right behind.  Eric and Pam were already waiting there, looking as unperturbed as usual.  It was always a shock to see Pam dressed in the clothes she preferred rather than her working costumes.  Her ever-correct bearing and demeanour took on an aristocratic air when dressed neatly in no-doubt expensive and tasteful clothes.  Whatever she wore, she still intimidated me, quite a lot. Huh, it was interesting; I never hesitated to get in Eric’s face, and he was certainly the poster boy for tall, daunting and deadly, but trying to speak to Pam never failed to give me pause for thought.  I’m sure that was a role reversal for the two of them.  Eric probably wouldn’t be too pleased to know I was more wary of his much younger child than him, especially after all the times I slapped him or shouted at him. I smirked, thinking of his probable sulk if I ever told him that.

Bill, catching my grin, growled a little and gruffly told me to stay in the car while he consulted with Eric, but there was no way in hell I was letting the ‘menfolk’ do all the talking.  I scrambled out of the car and trotted after him, earning myself a nasty glare as I caught up.

“Good evening, Sookie,” Eric nodded in my direction. “Bill.”

“Evenin’ Eric, Pam. So, what should I expect tonight? Did you hear anything new?” I chirped, as talkative as ever when I was nervous.

Eric smiled slightly, although for my antics or at Bill’s obvious displeasure in my joining the powwow was anyone’s guess. “No, there’s been no further communication. I rose to a simple reiteration of the summons. I’m sorry I don’t have any more information to ease your worries.”

“But you’ll be with me the whole time, right? You won’t leave me alone?” I wasn’t sure when I had decided Eric was worthy of my trust, but I was counting on him to keep me safe.

Jason jumped in, seeming to appear out of thin air. “There’s no way Eric’ll leave you on your own, Sook. Ten to one he’ll have whatever hoity-toity vamp you’re meeting eatin’ out of his hand in five seconds flat.  You just stick close to him and let him do whatever plan he’s got in mind.”

I was both amused and slightly horrified at Jason’s new bromance with Eric.  It was embarrassing enough that I didn’t even want to glance at Eric’s reaction, but it was like a train wreck and I couldn’t not peek. Eric looked like he wasn’t sure if he should be diverted or annoyed and apparently just settled on tolerant. He was slightly smirking, so I figured he wouldn’t strike Jason down for speaking for him. Pam was evidently exceedingly entertained, smiling a fangy grin at my brother’s simple naiveté and Eric’s confused acceptance.  Bill was glowering, no doubt wondering why Eric had such immediate acceptance by my only family member when his had been hard-won.

He chose that moment to speak up. “I do not like that you are the only one allowed to accompany my Sookie. I am not comfortable at all with this arrangement. Surely the Ancient Pythoness will acknowledge my claim and allow me to attend.”

Eric’s smirk blossomed. “Yes, Bill. Why don’t you go and demand to attend a private meeting with the leader of the vampire hierarchy? I’m sure nothing could possibly go wrong in that scenario.”

Jason snorted, delighted by his new hero’s capable wielding of sarcasm. Bill shot a vicious look at all of us before stomping back to the car.

I suddenly felt the weight of all the nervousness I’d successfully put off come down like a brick wall on my shoulders. Pam’s unhappy glare didn’t help matters any.

Eric must have sensed I was uneasy as he looked me straight in the eye and promised, “You will be fine, Sookie, no matter what. I know my arrangements seem alarming, but the Ancient Pythoness has a reputation for fairness and I expect a positive outcome. I simply wish to be prepared for any occasion, as I dislike going into this situation blind.”

“Ok, Eric. I’ll trust your judgement on this one. I guess we should get going, huh?” Sharing a final glance that made me feel slightly better, I made my way back over to Bill’s car and our short convoy headed out.

I tried my hardest to quell my rising agitation, but Bill’s overt displeasure made it near impossible.

“Sookie, did I, or did I not, tell you to wait in the car? Your presence only aggravates Eric’s overweening sense of entitlement; I would have been able to talk sense into him if you hadn’t disobeyed me. Now, you’re going to have to face an extremely powerful and ancient vampire with only Eric and we all know he’s unlikely to look after you properly. He encourages your disrespect and sass far too much for my liking and it will only end up getting you in trouble or killed.”

How on earth was I supposed to respond to that? There were so many things wrong in that speech I didn’t know where to start. Apparently I wouldn’t get the chance to say anything as he continued, “Now, I realise much of what occurs tonight will likely be far over your head, sweetheart, but you need to try to pay close attention. I need to know every detail of what is said, so do you think you can do that for me?”

He smiled, trying to appease the negative emotions he could feel from me, but the damage was already done. He really had no confidence in me; the only difference between me and any other human, meal, was that I was his. Deciding I didn’t want to either scream at him or sob hysterically, I just stayed quiet although it took a lot of effort to bite my tongue. Jessica, sitting behind me, surreptitiously slid her hand between my seat and the door and squeezed my shoulder in support. I could imagine the look of disgust she was shooting her Maker.  I just hoped Bill wouldn’t see it as I didn’t want her to get in trouble on my behalf. Bill was always harping at her about respect due her Maker and I’m pretty sure glaring at him wasn’t what he had in mind.

I barely had time to calm down from my aggravation before we arrived and my apprehension quickly rose up to fill its place. I refused to let Bill help me out of the car, glad that even if I was wearing a sundress, I still managed to maintain my dignity without his hand.

Eric shot me a concerned glance, no doubt picking up my distress through the minute bit of blood I’d ingested. I didn’t respond at all, concentrating on breathing through my dread. His gaze sharpened and turned on Jessica, who subtly indicated Bill.  Eric actually rolled his eyes, which startled a laugh out of me. He smirked back, noticeably relieved I wasn’t breaking down.

Jason and Sam came over to flank me, silently reaffirming their promise to make sure I stayed ok, but Bill really didn’t like that as he pushed through them to grab my hand and started dragging me to the hotel doors. I looked helplessly back at my friends, not understanding why my boyfriend was acting this way.

Sam, Jason and Jessica were all bristling with Bill’s unnecessary harshness. Pam was typically unconcerned, not that I was expecting anything else. Eric, however, looked like he was ready to tear Bill into itty-bitty pieces. Following my gaze, Sam noticed his extreme reaction and switched places with Jason to mutter something in the raging Viking’s direction. I had no idea what was said, but those glowing blue flames in his eyes banked slightly and the palpable strength rolling off him tapered off. He nodded down at Sam, acknowledging whatever it was he had said.

I was momentarily distracted from everything else buzzing through my head at their exchange. Sam had never seemed to have much use for other Supes and especially not for vamps. He’d never been more than frostily polite to Bill, but he’d always gotten on well with Eric. Well, for the most part. It seemed like they kind of understood each other in some masculine and therefore incomprehensible way. If they weren’t who they were in the Supe community, I probably wouldn’t have hesitated to call them friends or at least friendly associates.  It was definitely something to ruminate on further.

My distraction had served to settle my nerves and I forcibly brought my inner steel to bear. I was a strong, capable Southern woman, damn it and Gran would have told me to straighten up and face my challenges with pride.  I glanced around the lobby, not having paid the slightest bit of attention to where we were headed as lost in my thoughts as I’d been. The others were only a step or two behind, further enforcing my resolve to get through this.

Bill used his grip on my hand to pull me close and hissed at me, “Sookie, do not shame me in there. And remember, I need to know everything that happens in that room.”  Not wanting to get into it, I just nodded.  He kissed me on the forehead before stepping back and I couldn’t help feeling like a dog that had just pleased its master. But that was ridiculous because Bill loved me and why wouldn’t he want to know what happened in the meeting? He was just worried about me and acting out of his fear. Right?

Eric sauntered over, looking more in control, for which I was grateful. The only one having a breakdown tonight was going to be me! “Sookie, just remember to answer her questions accurately and promptly. All will be well; don’t worry.”

I tried to smile at him, but probably just grimaced. I couldn’t conjure any positive emotions in the slightest, heck, I was barely managing with hanging on to my calm.

All too soon, a burly vampire came out of the conference room to our right and announced, “Sheriff Northman and Sookie Stackhouse, Her Grace will see you now.”

I took a final glance at my friends, all of whom were wearing encouraging expressions. Bill simply nodded and glared Eric.

I looked up at my Viking escort as he extended his arm for me to take. I couldn’t help feel reassured by the solid feel of his forearm and the sheer confidence he was exuding.  He looked down and winked at me before sweeping me into the room.

One response to “Chapter 3: Only the Brave

  • Erin

    I want to inflict the most cruelest torture on Bill! Not only is he an insufferable ass heis the worlds biggest emotional abuser EVER! Why does everyone see this but Sookie? I mean she kinda sees it but she’s totally in denial. It it SO frustrating! I love that everyone else wants to protect her, it’s nice. I’m a bit leery of Pam as well. I think that she probably thinks that Sookie is a distraction to Eric or something. Hopefully she will warm up to Sookie soon. I’m REALLY loving this story! Although I do hope that Bill is out of the picture soon. Great chapter!

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